Look Up or Look Down

Looking up is what happens when you choose to believe you have control over some aspects of your life. 

Looking down is what happens when you believe you’re a victim of life and circumstance. 

Looking up is a way to survive and thrive through difficult times; it requires courage, optimism, belief, and accountability. 

Looking down is a way to “create” worse situations and turn the illusion of bad luck into a reality. It feeds on negativity, excuses, doubt, and disbelief.

The way you look will influence where you go. 

Even though we don’t have much control over many things in life, focusing on what we do control — like looking up — can completely change the direction of your life. 

When you look up, the good becomes better, the bad becomes good, and the desperate becomes hopeful. 

You can’t put a value or measure the impact of perspective and mindset; but in the game of life, it is your most invaluable asset.

Content retrieved from: https://www.bornfitness.com/look-up-or-look-down/.