The 2-Minute Motivation Trick


No matter what so-called gurus tell you on Instagram, struggling with motivation is normal.  It’s part of the process. We all experience days and weeks when it’s hard to get your butt in gear, especially when it comes to fat loss. Overcoming Low Motivation: Key to Sustainable Fat Loss When it’s been a struggle to […]

Muscle Atrophy: 5 Exercises to Build Strength


Muscular atrophy is the thinning, wasting, or loss of muscle tissue, leading to decreased strength and mass. There are various types of muscle atrophy and different treatments for them. One common treatment for certain kinds of muscle atrophy is exercise, which helps relieve symptoms of atrophy by rebuilding strength and mass. Here’s what you should […]

How Much Walking Is Too Much?


Walking regularly can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes; help you maintain a healthy weight; and strengthen your muscles and bones.But, as is the case for most physical endeavors, you can overdo it, experts say. If you like to walk a lot, here’s what you should know. Can You Walk […]